Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy New Year?

So I'm still not so good at updating this on a regular basis - surprise, surprise. A lot has happened since the last post, so I'll try to remember the past 2 months as best I can...

-Made 3 trips back to CA - one for Thanksgiving, one for a wedding, and one for Christmas/New Years. All fun, but I'd much rather take one of those "Get Out of Freezing Weather Free" card now...
-Actually I'm adapting to the cold surprisingly well. There have really only been a handful of those days that make me spontaneously swear on the sidewalk days.
-Learned that wind chill really isn't a myth.
-Confirmed that it'll be a while until the novelty of snow wears off and I complain about it like everyone else... Sure the sidewalks and gutters in Manhattan are nasty, but it's not so bad.
-Taken a liking to Thai food.
-Seen a modern dance performance (Alvin Ailey for anyone in the know, which I wasn't).
-Been to the ER more times than in the past 12 years of my life (1 to be exact).
-Played ice hockey with people much, much better than me.
-Gone to a few Rangers games.
-Started Yelp-ing about every amazing restaurant I go to.
-Discovered that there really is a such thing as an amazing bagel.
-Lots of work around the apartment, it's almost done (aside from a set of curtains and hanging up my posters). I put a few extra holes in the wall when I attempted to hang a 9 foot curtain rod by myself, but beyond that, everything's still in one piece!
-Discovered the joy of vinyl (Colleen got me a record player for Christmas, love it!).
-Seen some amazing concerts - Bon Iver in particular.
-Started actually working pretty hard.
-Started working out again. It's hard to make excuses to lay on the couch when the gym is just 3 flights of stairs down.
-Finally (just this week) got my first haircut since moving - yeah, 4 months.
-Learned that there's still a such thing as "traffic" in my morning commute despite not driving to work. What takes me 15 minutes on off-hours can take 40 minutes at rush-hour.
-Realized that the bar has been raised for a quality bar (ok, I swear that's the only crappy pun I'll make this time)... like free wood-fire pizza with every drink or ski-ball...
-Finished the CPA exam.(!)
-Got into the zone of actually cooking myself dinner every night after work, which has slowly turned into never cooking for myself.
-Feel like I pretty much know my way around all of Manhattan (ok, I guess just from SoHo on up, but I'm still pretty proud of myself.

That's about it for now. I'll end like I do everytime - by promising to write more - but all 5 of you who read this know how likely that is.

A blog just wouldn't be a blog (especially a blog from Brooklyn) if I didn't try to push some music on you. Here's my top 10 albums from 2008:

1) Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst
2) Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
3) Sigur Ros - Meo Suo...
4) Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
5) She & Him - Volume One
6) The Cure - 4:13 Dream
7) The Gaslight Anthem - '59 Sound <-- Check them out!
8) MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
9) The Rosebuds - Life Like
10) Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground
11) Fleet Foxes - self-titled
12) The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead
13) Alkaline Trio - Agony & Irony
14) Nada Surf - Lucky
15) The Hold Steady - Stay Positive