Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So much for that...

Well I was looking forward to settling in tonight to watch 3+ hours of amazing hockey. Unfortunately the Capitals had similar plans and are just sitting back watching the Penguins play amazing hockey. It's 6-1 Penguins as I write this, not such a phenomenal game 7. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm pulling for Boston to beat Carolina. I have no preference in the Ducks/Wings game, it's like asking if I'd rather you kick me or the shins or the stomach. Either way, I'll be glad you didn't do one, but not too happy about the other one.

Anyway, after sleeping all of Monday evening away, I tried to get back on track (sorry, the pun's unavoidable) yesterday and went for a run at the track in McCarren Park. The rainy week and the travel apparently took a bit of a toll on me, as I got winded way quicker than usual. I've been getting a lot of compliments (??) in the office about my nice sunburn. While I'd get chastised in CA for it, I guess any sun is good sun for New Yorkers.

I finally joined Twitter today. I can't really see myself getting hooked on it (or even using it at all), but who knows? I still don't understand how it's any different than status updates on Facebook. Somebody please enlighten me.

I've got some downtime at work, so I decided to start studying for the Actuarial exams. Trinomial distributions and density functions don't make me feel like such a number-whiz anymore. It's quite a bit more mentally stimulating than ticking-and-tying though, which is much needed.

What I'm watching: Arrested Development (only about 10 episodes into season one, but I still don't see what the big deal is).
What I'm reading: Joshua Ferris' Then We Came to the End (a great satire about the doldrums of office life)
What I'm listening to: I guess I've been listening to a lot of Stars this week, finally ordered Your Ex-Love is Dead on vinyl - one of my all-time favorites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was rooting for Boston ... that they lost is proof that I'm cursed. Maybe I should just resign as a fan forever... :(